Monday, October 17, 2011

View of My Lap

I love how that title sounds kinda dirty, but when you look, well, it's all blanket and laptop love. 

I felt like I should put a picture in here, so I took one of the view from where I'm sitting (minus the hand that was holding the camera).

The mind is quiet today, curious, happy.

I went to see Francis the Healer again for the first time in, as it turns out, at least two years. He looked a little older, a few pounds heavier, perhaps, and I was really glad to be there. The first thing he said to me is, "You look like you've grown since the last time I saw you." Emphatically and like a little girl, as I lay on the table, I said, "I have grown!"

My days are just so trippy, and I can't tell what begets anything else. Oh wow, I just saw that I was sort of looking for causality. Well, that's interesting. Some thoughts are becoming more and more apparent when they had been very subtle.

And all of this experience is passing.

I submitted poems to a literary magazine yesterday. I feel to share one of them here with you now, but I don't think I'm supposed to, now that it's gone to the magazine. Oh I don't know how these things work. I'm gonna share some of it. Let me go get it . . .

{footsteps walking down a hallway, a wooden floor . . .

                                                                                    . . .  now coming back}

poem excerpt, from "Like Thoreau":

May I have time to rest?
How else am I liberated to write &
write & write?
Like Thoreau,
I need benefactors.

I cannot hide anymore
in the world of the punch card.

I love my poems, even if I do still slip into the obvious sometimes. I sent them off unedited, a typo in the one that I think is best.

* * * * * computer crashes * * * * * 

Well! I didn't realize this was still here . . . I re-wrote most of this post, but just found this. I'm going with this one. There's something to be said for the original.


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